InStream Traffic System – Tommie Powers

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $26.00.

InStream Traffic System – Tommie Powers

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $26.00.

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Attn: Online Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners & Affiliate Marketers…

“How to Exploit this Secret Source for High Converting, Laser Targeted, Low Competition TRAFFIC in Any Niche Market”

stats 2 - BoxSkill net

12 cents a click…

676 leads at 39 cents per lead…

From a high quality, high converting…

Traffic source that gets more traffic than Facebook!

Hi, I’m Tommie Powers and my friends call me Tommie Traffic. My guess is you’ve never heard of me before and there’s a very good reason why…

You see, I’ve been an Underground Traffic & Conversion Master for the last 7 years.

I’ve been behind-the-scenes spending and managing MILLIONS of advertising dollars for my big budget clients.

That’s Me Speaking On Stages Across The U.S.

But up until now, I’ve never revealed my top traffic-getting methods to anyone except my close friends, my inner circle and my clients who pay me 4-5 figures a month to run their ads.

Needless to say, you want to pay VERY close attention to what I have to say and take notes.

As entrepreneurs with a large focus on leveraging the internet, we can both agree that our biggest and most frustrating problem is getting low cost, targeted, and reliable traffic to our landing pages and offers.

Now, in the good old days with Google Adwords, you could literally put up an ad and within minutes be getting traffic for just pennies a click, and you could send it to any web page on the internet.

In fact, in that golden era, I was making right around $30,000 per month just from Google’s display network alone.

That was BEFORE Google decided to slap nearly every marketer on the planet…

Today, your paid traffic options are ultra competitive, expensive, and getting more and more saturated with every passing day…

And if you’ve tried “so called” FREE traffic methods, you’ve seen firsthand how ineffective, slow, and unreliable they can be.

If you want to ‘SEO’ your site for months on end, hoping to rank for your golden keywords, only to be disappointed with little trickles of traffic or WORSE

Have your site hit with penguin, panda or whatever the latest animal is, then go ahead.

But if you keep reading, I’ll reveal my SECRET traffic source where I’ve been getting avalanches of ultra targeted traffic for as low as 6 cents and sending it anywhere I want!

I’ll show you undeniable PROOF that you can get nearly an unlimited amount of targeted, reliable traffic from this source and I’ll also show you why it converts like CRAZY.

This traffic source is a sleeping giant.

Now listen, I know everywhere you look online others say their site will be taken down without notice. But I have to give you fair warning.

This page REALLY WILL be taken down shortly. And I am a MAN OF MY WORD.

There’s 2 reasons why I can’t have this information out there for the masses to see…

First, this is a golden opportunity. But like everything else, marketers ruin everything. I don’t want to spoil this sleeping giant traffic source by introducing my method to everyone and their mother. It just doesn’t make sense.

And secondly, my clients are literally begging me to not release this information publicly. I’m not just saying that. These are people who spend 5 & 6 figures per month on traffic and they DON’T like competition.

I have to respect that, so trust me when I tell you – this won’t be staying here for long.

My Secret Traffic Source Is YouTube!

Now obviously, you’ve heard of YouTube and you know it’s now the second biggest search engine. But you may not realize that over 1 billion people now visit YouTube each and every month and now gets more traffic than Facebook.

Everyday, people are using YouTube to learn stuff. They use it to be entertained. They even use it as a research tool before buying stuff online.

Take a look at this screenshot…

adweek - BoxSkill net

This is ADWEEK, one of the most credible sources for media buying information. When Adweek say something, you can take it to the bank.

This is directly from them – “Forget Amazon. YouTube is where shoppers do research.”

Think about this…

Amazon is the #1 website in the world for transactions. Meaning, ready to buy credit-card-in-hand visitors. Anything remotely close to Amazon’s traffic is a goldmine.

And check this out…

Over 80% of it’s ad inventory is going unsold right now. Which means it’s wide open for people like you and me to siphon off cheap, ultra-targeted, high converting traffic.

14percent study - BoxSkill net

But don’t worry about any of that stuff, because I’ll show you why these ads are super simple to set up and how you can have YouTube sending you thousands of ready-to-buy, credit-card-in-hand consumers within a few hours.

Here’s just 1 more reference I wanted to show you. This is Kissmetrics Blog, owned by Neil Patel, who’s considered one of the biggest authorities in our space. He openly admits that Video ads are the secret, untapped side of Google that barely anyone is taking advantage of.

Like me, his also seeing these super targeted, 6 cent views…

kiss metric - BoxSkill net

Here’s a screenshot that shows traffic I’ve been running for one of my clients.

As you can see we’ve spent over 251 thousand dollars at 6 cents per view on average…

And I don’t have to tell you that no one is going to spend that type of money unless it’s converting like crazy and bringing in serious money.

The next screenshot you will see is from one of my coaching clients. When he came to me, he was doing decent numbers.

But within 1 Month using YouTube Ads, we took his sales from 5 thousand to 22 thousand dollars as you can see right here…

And here’s a follow up email he sent me recently. Not only is he still going strong, he’s now scaled my methods and is making between 2 to 3 thousand dollars every single day…

But before I continue, please realize that I can’t guarantee you’ll get these results. My clients’ and students’ results are obviously not typical because they’re using my 7 step formula.

But I strongly believe that anyone can create profitable campaigns using my video traffic system, which I’m going to reveal in a short moment.

I Wanna Tell You A Quick Story…

Here’s how I got into driving traffic online…

Back in 2007, I was in a management position. I had been tinkering around with online marketing, never really making any money.

Until 1 day, at only 31 years of age, I had a congestive heart failure.

I was told I had 2 years to live unless I got a heart transplant, and even with that, my chances for living much longer were slim.

I couldn’t keep my job since they didn’t want a dying man in a management position, and I struggled to find another job because of my condition.

I had a wife and 2 kids at the time to provide for and I was at a serious crossroads.

I made a decision right then and there that I refused to die and leave my family without a strong financial foundation.

It was then that I got into driving traffic with Google’s display network. I was fairly new at the time, but within months I had developed a ‘secret sauce’ formula for extracting money with it almost at will.

At that time I was mostly running affiliate offers and I was loving every second. My income shot up to over $30,000 per month and I managed to defy the doctors predictions and was also able to get healthy again.

It’s a strange thought, but if I didn’t have that heart failure, I probably wouldn’t have gotten the success I have now. Since learning the traffic game, I’ve been in the trenches driving millions of dollars worth of clicks for myself and my clients.

I tell you that story, because I’m the guy that literally put everything on the line to learn traffic. As weird as it sounds, traffic generation is what saved my life…

So when I tell you video ads is the greatest traffic opportunity of our time, I mean it.

This system will work for you whether you’re a paid traffic beginner or a seasoned pro with your own products or services and looking for more reliable traffic sources.

Because I remember what it was like to struggle with traffic generation, I always approach everything I do so that I can replicate it and make it easy for someone on my team to implement even if they are just starting out. You get to benefit from this.

When I Want Traffic, This Is What I Look For…

As a top paid traffic guy, there are certain things I look out for when it comes to getting traffic…

  • Is the traffic cheap or low cost?
  • Can I target the exact people I want seeing my ads?
  • Can I set it up quickly and how FAST can I get traffic?
  • Does it convert extremely well?
  • Can I get my ads approved easily?
  • Can I scale the traffic source to make more money?
  • Can I send the traffic wherever I want including squeeze pages and sales pages?

Well, guess what? YouTube Ads meet all these criteria and that’s not even all the benefits of it.

The #1 YouTube Ad That Get Results FAST!

My favorite type of ad to run on YouTube right now are In-Stream ads.

They are the ones that play before, during, or after you’re watching a youtube video. Now, you might find these ads annoying, but I’m absolutely killing it with these ads.

The PROBLEM for most people who are trying to take advantage of Youtube Ads is that they are doing it completely wrong.

Which is actually great for us, because there’s even less competition who really know how to get the cheap, targeted, super high converting traffic from this sleeping giant.

There’s a formula for doing it and that’s why my clients and I rake in profits day after day while everything is on auto-pilot and others go from 1 traffic method to the next, wondering when they’ll find the golden goose.

For the first time ever, I’m revealing my exact 7-step formula for dominating YouTube Ads to get targeted, high converting traffic. And for a Very Limited Time, you have the opportunity to look over my shoulder and literally copy my exact video ad traffic system.

Get InStream Traffic System – Tommie Powers, Only Price 30$


The InStream Traffic System is broken down into 7 crucial steps that I’ve painstakingly refined over the last 12 months.

  • 1 You’ll learn how to create a killer video designed to get you high converting, targeting clicks you can send anywhere you want.

I show you not only how to create these videos fast, but get the right video style for your business model.

These videos are super simple and anyone can create them. You’ll discover why my best converting video ads are no longer than 30-45 seconds, and the exact formula for these tiny little videos.

Most people will never know the secret sauce I’ve figured out because they haven’t tested with literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on Youtube ads like I have.

So no matter what you’re selling, this strategy will work for you.

As a matter of fact, I give you the exact script writing template we give our clients for creating the perfect video.

Basically, I’m taking all the guesswork out of it for you.

  • 2 I’ll show you how to craft landing pages where you will send you prospects and how to get extremely high conversions, like we do day in and day out.

I even give you examples and plenty of resources on how to get pages created fast and easy so that they are not an obstacle to getting your campaign going as quickly as possible.

  • 3 I’ll show you how to hijack any video you want, even if it’s your competition.

It’s called video ad placements and it may be the single most underutilized technique that can deliver huge wins in the shortest amount of time.

This strategy is extremely powerful and it’s designed for people who want extremely targeted traffic that deliver fast results. Hardly anyone is taking advantage of this simple, yet deadly effective technique that delivers traffic 3 times more likely to convert.

And to top it off, I have a secret software tool I use to automate this process to save you valuable time trying to find the best video placements. More on the software in a moment.

  • 4 You’ll learn my secret sauce that enables me to find what I call “low hanging fruit keywords” that deliver extremely cheap video views because hardly anyone is bidding on these hidden gems.

Most people treat YouTube keyword research like they are attempting to rank a website on the first page of Google.

That’s a huge mistake.

The strategy I show you takes advantage of how keywords are used within the YouTube ecosystem for surfacing relevant videos to their users.

I also show you a little known free tool I’m almost 100% certain you’ve never heard of that will do most of the heavy lifting for you as well so you can snatch these little hidden profit centers within minutes.

  • 5 You’ll learn how to implement a simple, yet highly important part of this system – Conversion Tracking.

Conversion tracking can make or break your campaign.

I’ll show you how to set it up properly and put it in place quickly without being a programmer or tech head.

  • 6 The A to Z system for setting up your video ad campaign, even if it’s your first time.

You’ll look over my shoulders and see exactly how to set up a campaign.

If you miss any of these steps, you can kiss high converting, targeted traffic goodbye.

In this over the shoulder training, I leave no stones unturned. As a matter of fact, what I show you is exactly what we use to teach our team in order for them to implement campaigns for our big money clients.

I look at lots of campaigns when potential clients want to hire my team, and 80% of the campaigns I audit are not setup properly.

This is why I get paid a minimum of $5k to do it for them because I know what produces results fast and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you.

  • 7 You’ll learn the secret to being able to spend millions on traffic. It’s called optimization.

I’ve developed a step-by-step optimization process with this system of what to do and when to do it so there’s zero guesswork involved.

My optimization formula regularly produces results within a matter of days after launching a brand new campaign.

You’ll get a PDF you can download and I recommend you print this out and file it under extremely important.

This part of the system is priceless because once you know how to optimize, you can buy more traffic and grow your business faster.

How much is it worth to you to be able to profitably grow your business at lightning speed?

What Students, Clients, & Colleagues Have To Say…

“I was Profitable DAY 1 & generating leads for as little as 12 cents!”

The Reality For Being Successful Online…

If you want to be successful online you need to be able to generate targeted traffic profitably that’s also predictable, scalable and consistent.

The InStream Traffic System fills this void and puts the power in your hands.

And I’m sure you’re seeing there’s a huge trend related to online marketing right now.


That’s where all the eyeballs are going. And wherever the eyeballs are is where the advertising opportunities develop.

So How Much Is The InStream Traffic System?

If you’re ready to get started today (hopefully I won’t regret this later), I’m going to let you in on this insider information and step by step video training only for a limited time.

I’ve never released anything with this many of my secret strategies included at such a ridiculous price and I doubt I’ll ever do it again.

If you’re smart, you should be ready to jump on this to start taking advantage of this sleeping giant traffic source.

But before you do, I’m going to make this a complete no brainer decision for you

When you click the button below and submit your order in a moment, you’re not only going to get my 7 step InStream Traffic system training…

But I’ll also let you access my secret software tool that gives me a huge advantage over everyone else doing video ads.

I won’t reveal exactly what it does here, but I can tell you this little software tool is invaluable if you want to get get leads and sales from YouTube ads on autopilot.

The software tool alone could easily sell for $30/month.

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive With Your Order Today:

  • InStream Traffic System 7 Step Video Training – $297 Value
  • Video Ad Script Writing Formula – $197 Value
  • Secret Software Tool – $360/Year Value
  • InStream Video Ads Optimization Strategy PDF – $197 Value
  • InStream Video Ads Checklist PDF – $97 Value
  • InStream Traffic System Resources PDF – $77 Value

Get InStream Traffic System – Tommie Powers, Only Price 30$

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