Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $23.40.

Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $23.40.

The comprehensive core content is paired with a helpful PDF workbook that you can print out and use to follow along, take notes, and participate in the insightful exercises.


Purchase Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet at BoxSkill, You can get access to all files. Direct Download Link and No costs are incurred (No Ads, No Waiting Time, No Capcha).

Not to interrupt your learning, you should download the course after getting the link.

Develop your knowledge with the Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet course. Purchuse at here with price $497 $26. You will get the full course with the same content as Salepage.

 Melanie Duncan - The Perfect Lead Magnet Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet

Discover the secret to building a list of your dream clients & customers

Most business owners are so overwhelmed by everything that they need to do, that they put little to no thought into what to offer people for signing up for their email list.

Get Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet at the CourseAvai

They know that they should be building their list, they just don’t really know how, so they slap something up on their site and then painfully struggle for years to attract the attention of their dream clients and customers.

There is a better way.

What you choose to give people for signing up for your email list can make or break the success of your business.

Let me explain…

  • To sell more of your products and services you need to get more of The Right people on your email list.
  • To get more of the right people to sign up for your list…You Need A Better Offer.
Here’s what works…

Give People An Amazing Reason To Sign Up For Your List.

(Get rid of that boring newsletter sign-up and create something that people will go crazy for!)

Believe it or not, no one actually wants to sign up for an email list, just to sign up for another email list.

If you want to get more sign-up’s, you’ve got to entice people with something that they actually want.

Start By Creating Something Innovative & Unique

Do you want to know how to stand out online? Create something that no one has ever seen before. You’re not boring, so don’t let your offer be!

This is your chance to showcase your creativity so that you can stand out.

In most cases, what you offer to get people to sign up for your list will provide their first impression – you need to make it count!

And don’t try to appeal to everyone (or you’ll appeal to no one).

When you have the right offer, you attract the right people.

When you offer something vague and general, not only does it sound lame, but it prevents you from building a list of targeted prospects who are actually interested in buying what you have to offer.

Your Focus Should Be On Building A List Filled With Quality Over Quantity.

To Do This You Need A Perfect Lead Magnet.


  1. Is a strategic sampling of the value that you have to offer.
  2. It can be obtained for free, in exchange for a prospect’s email address.
  3. It is memorable, instantly positions, and creates a desire for more.
A Perfect Lead Magnet not only attracts more of your dream customers, it makes selling more of your products & services effortless.

It doesn’t just attract more leads, it attracts the right leads.

This how you build a business flush with income, influence and impact.

The Average Lead Magnet VS The Perfect Lead Magnet

The Average Lead Magnet

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  • Blends In And Doesn’t Differentiate
  • Hurts Instead Of Helps Your Brand
  • Leaves Prospective Buyers Underwhelmed

The Perfect Lead Magnet

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  • Stands Out and Instantly Sets You Apart
  • Provides Value & Positions You
  • Creates A Desire For Your Products & Services

Your lead magnet may be repelling your dream customers (instead of attracting them).

What you use to attract people to you is boring, generic and lacks value – people assume that your business is boring, generic and lacks value.

Talk about making it impossible to stand out online…

You will blend in with everyone else and fail to capture your dream customer’s attention.

The real secret to attracting your dream clients and customers is to create something special that will give people a taste of the talent that you have to offer.

A Bad Lead Magnet = A Bad Customer Experience

What do people receive from you after they sign up for your email list?

What you decide to send people within the first 24 hours after they sign up can make or break their decision to buy from you forever.

Are you delivering a WOW experience that leaves them tingling with excitement to learn more about you and what you do?

Or are you assaulting them with a WOW experience that lacks any real originality or value?

You only get one chance to make a first impression. What does your lead magnet say about you?

If you’ve got a few people on your email list, but it’s taking a lot longer (and it’s been a lot harder) to get people to sign up than you thought it would be…

You Need a Perfect Lead Magnet.

If you have offer something to get people to sign up for your list, but it does not deliver the value that you have to offer…

You Need a Perfect Lead Magnet.

If people are signing up for your list, but they aren’t buying your products or services…

You Need a Perfect Lead Magnet.

If making a better lead magnet on your “to-do” lists for months (but you have no clue what to create)…


Get Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet at the CourseAvai

The Perfect

Lead Magnet


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  • This program will guide you through the list building process so that you can build a better list with higher quality leads FASTER.
  • I can show you how to quickly get your business in front of the right people so that you spend less time worrying about customers, and more time creating exceptional products and programs for your customers.
  • Gain access to the system that I’ve personally used to build email lists of hundreds of thousands of dream clients and customers in both my ecommerce and online education businesses.
My own Perfect Lead Magnets have generated millions in revenue in BOTH ecommerce & service industries – so I know that this strategy can work for you too.


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Portrait image for Melanie Duncan

PLM 4, cut 2

from Melanie Duncan

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100% Online with Full Instant Access:

Training Videos + Comprehensive Workbook + Downloadable Videos


Module 1:


The number one thing holding most people back from creating a lead magnet is not knowing what to offer. Inside of this exciting first module I’ll help you understand your dream customers (and figure out what they really want) in a simple and strategic manner that you’ve never seen before. I’ll be sharing with you the way that I develop the brand and message behind all of my businesses, and how you can use that information to stand out and connect with your dream customers too!

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  • Discover the ABC’s of the Perfect Lead Magnet and how you can use them to attract the right people to your business.
  • If you want to stand out, you need to know how to leverage your unique strengths and skills and use them to “flavor” your offering. I’ll show you how.
  • Proper market research is one of the main pieces most small business owners are missing (which is why they often don’t know what to offer and struggle to get exposure). I’ll teach you to quickly and easily understand your dream clients and customers.
  • Plus: expansive examples of every type of lead magnet to get your creative juices flowing.
  • You’ll walk away confident with a powerful topic and strategic format for your Perfect Lead Magnet.

Module 2:


Inside of this module, you’ll have access to several step-by-step tutorials on how to create everything from a stylish PDF guide to a comprehensive video training. Just follow the instructions and you’ll have your PERFECT LEAD MAGNET completed in no time!

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  • This is your plan to follow for Perfect Lead Magnet creation – Start to Finish!
  • Use this proven step-by-step system to quickly and easily create Perfect Lead Magnets for your business.
  • I’ll show you how to use your knowledge of your customer, your business and yourself to pick the proper format, look and feel that will blow your prospects away!
  • I’ll introduce you to my favorite software and tools for creating lists, PDF guides, video trainings, quizzes and checklists and more.
  • I’ve spent the time researching and personally testing all of these so that you can just follow my system and quickly get it done.

Module 3:


Inside this module, you’ll discover how to combine the two incredibly powerful pieces: Art & Copy. I’ll show you how to make the sexiest looking lead magnet out there that people will be clamouring for, and how to write the most compelling copy to attract your dream customers.

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  • I’ll show you the tested layout that I’ve found performs best for getting sign up’s.
  • My proven formulas for creating headlines that grab your reader’s attention, motivates them to keep reading and take action. Take these plug and play headlines and you’ll be amazing how quickly you can master copywriting once and for all.
  • We’ll go over the difference between features and benefits that will empower you to quickly write copy that converts.
  • My secret strategy call-to-action copy writing strategy that makes signing up – seamless!
  • Discover how I make gorgeous opt-in pages (that will make your brand look like a million bucks) without the help of a graphic designer!
  • Plus the simplest and most effective split testing strategy – it’s no longer difficult or confusing!
  • And scripts that you can use for your perfectly packaged welcome sequence.

Module 4:


When building our email list, many of us miss out on properly utilizing the biggest asset that we have – our site! Regardless of how many people are visiting your site, the people who make it there are incredibly targeted and you should make it your goal to get each and everyone of them onto your list. No visitor left behind!

Now I’m not just talking about adding a little newsletter sign-up in your sidebar. I’ll show you over 28 places, and several incredibly surprising ways, to get visitors to sign up on your site.

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  • You’ll discover the 4 main areas to optimize on your website that will get you the biggest wins, in the shortest amount of time.
  • My proven step-by-step system for using your blog to turn readers into sign-up’s (with tons of examples).
  • The best places to showcase your Perfect Lead Magnet (and how to make people want it – bad).
  • I’ll remove the overwhelm site design, and show you simple tweaks that you can make yourself.
  • You’ll be excited to enhance your visitor’s experience when I show you how to use pop up’s the right way.
  • Plus the simplest and most effective split testing strategy – it’s no longer difficult or confusing!
  • Plus a simple software demo that will show you how I doubled my opt-in rate across all of my sites.

Module 5:


I can show you simple- yet significant ways to get your business the targeted exposure that it deserves. This includes both free and paid strategies for quickly dialing up the amount of people who see your offer and increase your impact. I’ll share with you the proven systems that I have used to get over 200,000 people selling both products & services) on our email lists in just a few short years!

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  • You’ll discover how to use your social media presence to its advantage and capture new leads.
  • The small parts of your business you use DAILY that are leaking leads.
  • A smart guest posting strategy that has landed our clients major features such as the Huffington Post!
  • How to get people to share your content and spread the word for you!
  • Facebook Ads – done right, for as little as $5 a day.
  • A lead generation strategy using a surprising platform with over 60 million unique users.
  • You’ll walk away with unbelievable clarity on what to focus on now that you know the best options for maximizing your traffic.


1. Course Completion Kit

($97 Value)

A special bundle of resources created to help you consume and apply the material inside of this training. Including… an hour a day plan, master course content checklist, list building budget, amongst other helpful tools.

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($197 Value)

Follow this simple format to quickly build your list by hosting a challenge. In addition to a step-by-step plan, you’ll get the inside scoop from my special guest who used challenges to build a list of over 300,000 people in a little over a year!!

Get Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet at the CourseAvai


Unlike a lot of other list building programs out there, I’ve built a list of over 150,000 of my dream clients and customers in less than two years – resulting in being able to sell millions of dollars of my products and services.
  • MOST LIST BUILDING EXPERTS HAVEN’T ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY BUILT A LIST. We live in a crazy world, and unfortunately there are a lot of people out there creating products and programs who “talk the talk” but haven’t “walked the walk.”
  • MOST LIST BUILDING PROGRAMS OUT THERE WILL TELL YOU THAT IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR LEAD MAGNET IS AS LONG AS YOU HAVE ONE – WRONG.What you offer as your lead magnet is incredibly important.Not just because it determines how quickly you build your list, but because it determines WHO joins your list.The lead magnet that you offer is CRITICAL to attracting the RIGHT leads.If you have the wrong lead magnet, you are going to build the wrong audience.If you build the wrong audience you will struggle to sell the products and programs that you have created for your “ideal customer.”
  • MOST LIST BUILDING PROGRAMS OUT THERE WILL TELL YOU TO JUST THROW UP ANY OLD OPT-IN PAGE.I am going to show you how to create opt-in pages that are remarkable in their attention to detail in regards to design (because the look and the feel of your opt-in page most likely their first touchpoint and the entrance to your brand).You only get one first impression right? Are you happy with yours?Stop using horrible looking templates because you don’t know which colors to use, fonts to mix, or how to create great images.You don’t need to be tech savvy or a graphic designer to create incredible opt-in pages.I can show you how to create beautiful, professional looking pages that you can quickly create yourself.The images you use, the copy you write all is incredibly important! I’m going to show you how to do this RIGHT so that you don’t miss out on turning a single visitor into a lead.
  • MOST LIST BUILDING PROGRAMS WILL TELL YOU TO JUST PUT A LITTLE OPT-IN BOX FOR YOUR NEWSLETTER ON YOUR SITE.I’m going to show you how to maximize options on your site in over 15 unique ways to make sure that your hottest prospects (aka people visiting your site) actually end up on your list.
  • MOST LIST BUILDING PROGRAMS GIVE YOU A MILLION IDEAS OF WHAT YOU COULD DO, BUT NEVER TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD DO.I am going to make this simple and easy by refining all of the ideas out there and providing you with a clear plan to follow to build your list based upon culminating several of the “best” list building trainings out there and researching the proven best practices from the real experts in the space.




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Portrait image for Melanie Duncan

Shawna Upload 2

from Melanie Duncan

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I tripled the size of my email list!


Empowers fresh entrepreneurs to start a business by helping them focus on six key stages during the building process.


I heard time and time again that any freebie will do, as long as you have something on your site for people to sign up for. I really struggled to focus on a lead magnet and other list building tactics. I questioned why I should put effort into this. I read an article here, a blog post there, but it was great to have it all in 1 place: The Perfect Lead Magnet!

“I had never created an opt-in page prior to this training, and now, I feel like a pro!”


More than tripled my list size using 2 lead magnets with 39% conversion rates!

Implemented Melanie’s Challenge strategy!

Made a fun flip book using my repurposed content!

Followed Melanie’s Thank You Page format for after sign-ups and garnered tons of Facebook engagement!

“I’m finally in control of my email list growth. I’ve never felt like this before!”

“This is a great systematic approach that you can repeat over and over again to acquire new leads from different promotional strategies.

The last module about promotion is worth its weight in gold! It was broken down into actionable steps that I could realistically accomplish each week in to really make progress building my list.”

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Portrait image for Melanie Duncan

Melissa Upload 2

from Melanie Duncan

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I more than doubled the size of my email list!


Runs a health and fitness website to help people get in shape without resorting to crazy crash diets.

Started out doing fitness competitions, but then got creative in the kitchen.


I’m juggling a full-time job while also starting my business (and planning a wedding)! I’ve always had a lot of ideas and information, but struggled with the best way to get my ideas out there and make them happen!

“I’d heard so many of the basic list building strategies – I needed something different!”


I more than doubled the size of my list!

Wrote a guest post for Huffington Post that resulted in hundreds of new high quality leads!

“I’m making better use of my time and resources now. I no longer feel stuck!”

“I followed Melanie’s suggestion and repurposed my existing content to quickly and easily create a powerful new lead magnet: a fitness tracker.

I liked how this course is not just theory, but actually provides an actionable plan.

I found a lot of ways to improve my existing content and really liked having the ability to tweak my lead magnet to increase conversions.”

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Portrait image for Melanie Duncan

Bonnie Upload 2

from Melanie Duncan

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Get Melanie Duncan – The Perfect Lead Magnet at the CourseAvai


I more than doubled the size of my email list!


Empowers women to take control of their health by using essential oils as part of a network marketing company.

Spent the last 10 years working with her husband teaching natural horsemanship.


I didn’t think about list building strategically at all. It was just another big task on the to-do list. I spent so much time overthinking because I didn’t want to do it wrong. I was paralyzed and essentially, never built my list.

“I was very overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to use social media for lead generation.”


More than doubled the size of my list!

Had my BEST MONTH OF SALES EVER after implementing the Perfect Lead Magnet content.

Went up an ENTIRE RANK inside my MLM program.

My husband, Jerry, went through the program with me and added 475 people to his email list (using Melanie’s advanced marketing strategies and achieving an immediate 10% conversion in sales!)

“I now feel empowered to express my own personal style in promoting my business AND in building my list.”

“A big a-ha moment that I had inside the course was that there were many avenues to build a list, not just one! Melanie had a great way to make even hard subjects easy to tackle. I love how she breaks down everything (even more advanced topics) and makes it digestible.”

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Portrait image for Melanie Duncan

Donna Upload 2

from Melanie Duncan

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I increased the size of my list by 20 percent!


Sells a human resource membership program for small businesses and franchises.

Previously did human resources consulting, but switching to a product-based business.


I was afraid of marketing online. Nothing was working because my tactics weren’t cohesive. Through this program, I overcame my fear of marketing online. I was trying to stay on top of all the various ways to market, software to use and psychology behind every method which was making me pull my hair out – literally!

“I didn’t know how to turn our Pinto into a Maserati!”


Increased my list by 20%!

Used Melanie’s streamlined system to create 10 different lead magnets in 2 months!

Received feedback from an existing client who said we look like a MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY now!

Approached by a U.S. Fortune 50 Bank with a potential of 700 clients.


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