Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit

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Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit

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Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training SummitWelcome, and thank you for registering for the Psychotherapy 2.0 online training summit!

I am so happy to be working with my friends at Sounds True to co-sponsor this online training summit to bring together leaders in the field to share with YOU what is changing in our field and to present ideas that matter in your professional practice and life.

This is a training summit geared toward professionals. We’ll go beyond just ordinary interviews. Each speaker will present a body of knowledge from their passionate, in-depth research and explorations in healing trauma and attachment wounds. We’ve brought together some of the most respected names in the field—visionaries such as Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Diana Fosha, Jack Kornfield, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Steven Hayes, and Richard Schwartz.

You will also learn how to integrate cutting-edge discoveries and practical applications of mindfulness and neuroscience that support true healing. Our goal is that you will have access to ideas, processes, tools, and best practices that you can use directly in your sessions.

The opportunity for “Healing in Tribe” like this exponentially builds our community—enhancing compassion and connection, while supporting each other and our clients’ transformation. We’re so excited to have you join us on this amazing journey together.

As Rachel Naomi Remen says, “Our wound can become our wisdom.”

Very warmly,

Psychotherapy 2.0 upgrade package

Own the Complete Psychotherapy 2.0 Training Package for $230 Off

  1. Digital training recordings: Over 16 hours of Psychotherapy 2.0 trainings, interviews, and Q&A sessions to listen to online and/or download
  2. Transcripts of all the talks
  3. Downloadable presentations and worksheets



Deepening Intimacy online video course—17 acclaimed relationship and couples experts teach us their most valuable, must-know essentials for resolving the obstacles to healthy intimacy and creating a deeply fulfilling life partnership (a $197 value)


14 presenter gifts including special lectures, articles, interviews, and assessments

A Look Inside the Psychotherapy 2.0 Training Sessions


Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Wednesday, September 7, 10 am (MT)

Trauma, Body, and the Brain: Restoring the Capacity for Synchronicity and Imagination

The body keeps the score: overwhelming experiences are lived out in heartbreak and gut-wrenching sensations, which leaves survivors feeling unsafe, frazzled, on edge, overwhelmed, and shut down. The trauma that started outside is lived out in the theater of the body. As a result, survivors no longer feel safe inside their own skin.

Recovery from trauma involves learning how to restore a sense of visceral safety and reclaim a loving relationship with one’s self, one’s entire organism. Awareness of physical sensations forms the very foundation of our human consciousness. Healing can only occur if survivors can feel safe, self-led, and effective. This session will explore how the brain is shaped by experience and how our relationship to ourselves is the product of our synchronicity with those around us, with specific techniques for bringing our healing capacities back online.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How we grow happiness, compassion, and resilience by turning passing experiences of these inner strengths into lasting changes in the brain
  • Why positive experiences wash through us like water through a sieve, while negative experiences “stick” due to the brain’s negativity bias—which makes psychotherapy, coaching, and human resources training much less effective
  • Mindfulness alone is not enough: this talk will explore six practical ways to increase neural encoding of beneficial experiences, easing the client’s learning curve and turning even daily life into multiple great opportunities for healing and transformation

Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD, has been active as a clinician, researcher, and teacher in the area of post-traumatic stress and related phenomena since the 1970s. His work integrates developmental, biological, psychodynamic, and interpersonal aspects of the impact of trauma and its treatment. His book Psychological Trauma was the first integrative text on the subject, painting the far-ranging impact of trauma on the entire person and the range of therapeutic issues that need to be addressed for recovery.

Dr. van der Kolk and his various collaborators have published extensively on the impact of trauma on development, such as dissociative problems, borderline personality and self-mutilation, cognitive development in traumatized children and adults, and the psychobiology of trauma. He was co-principal investigator of the DSM IV Field Trials for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. His current research is on how trauma affects memory processes and brain imaging studies of PTSD.


Diana Fosha, PhD

Wednesday, September 7, 5 pm (MT)

How to Be a Transformational Therapist

This session presents a fourfold approach to becoming a transformational therapist. We begin by exploring how to set positive neuroplasticity into action by entraining transformance—the innate drive to heal, moment-to-moment, session-to-session. Secondly, we consider how to use dyadic affect regulation to co-create safety and connection needed for deep emotional processing. Next, we learn how to work experientially with receptive affective experience and how to use a client’s sense of feeling felt and being seen to deepen resilience and sense of self. Finally, we will explore how to use AEDP’s groundbreaking metatherapeutic processing methodology to make the most out of each change-for-the-better moment.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How to identify transformance manifestations in clients
  • Three techniques to set transformance into action
  • How to foster a therapeutic stance conducive to dyadic affect regulation
  • A conceptual understanding of dyadic affect regulation
  • How to use the patient’s experience of transformation to activate further healing and consolidation of previous gains

Diana Fosha, PhD, is the founder and director of the AEDP Institute, an internationally recognized school for therapists. With Diana on the cutting edge of transformational theory and practice, AEDP’s transformational theory (a basis for putting neuroplasticity and attachment theory into clinical action) is similarly receiving increasing recognition. Diana is the author of The Transforming Power of Affect and senior editor (with Daniel Siegel and Marion Solomon) of The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development, and Clinical Practice, as well as the author of numerous papers and chapters integrating neuroplasticity, recognition science, and developmental dyadic research into experiential therapy and trauma treatment. The APA (American Psychological Association) has issued two DVDs of her live AEDP work with patients, and one DVD on clinical supervision.


Diane Poole Heller, PhD

Thursday, September 8, 10 am (MT)

Healing Intergenerational Trauma with No One to Blame

Our attachment patterns are transmitted through the generations—from grandparents to parents to how we parent our own children—and will greatly influence how our children parent as well. These patterns are unconsciously transmitted and embodied though implicit pre-verbal memory and our genetic heritage.

When you take up the challenge to heal your own wounds, it deeply serves your personal transcendence as well as healing your ancestors, your progeny, and humanity. Deeply understanding your roots allows you to develop the transformational wings necessary to soar—into expansion, freedom, and spaciousness that nourish your true authentic self and help uncover your life’s real purpose.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How environment and life circumstances may shape gene expression, and how certain stressors can trigger specific gene expression in your DNA related to your family history
  • How generational history affects core beliefs and behavior
  • Reversing role reversal to free you from Insecure Attachment
  • Methods to foster relational resilience and post-traumatic growth in the aftermath of overwhelming life events throughout the generations such as war, injustice, rejection, abandonment, and family secrets

Diane Poole Heller, PhD, developed DARe (Dynamic Attachment Re-Patterning Experience), which provides a safe haven for therapists internationally to understand and heal their own attachment adaptations as well as restoring Secure Attachment functioning for clients. Using co-mindfulness, she creates somatic and relational clinical applications of corrective experiences aimed at excavating core wounds from implicit memory—wounds that are locked in the body unconscious—toward explicit memory to facilitate recognition and integration. Diane also emphasizes interventions that deeply nourish the Secure Attachment System.


Gay Hendricks, PhD and Katie Hendricks, PhD

Thursday, September 8, 5 pm (MT)

Transforming Relationships Through Body Intelligence

This training session is designed to give you the direct experience of feeling alive, engaged, and able to create rather than complain, supported by your embodied appreciation and curiosity. Body intelligence in action can guide empowered decisions and continuous renewal throughout a lifetime. Gay and Katie will share practices that generate presencing and connection so that you and your clients can co-create from the genius of transparent authenticity and radical response-ability rather than the fear-based adrenaline fuel that drives blame, criticism, and other common relationship patterns. The skills introduced here are based on Gay and Katie’s passionate engagement with body wisdom for many decades, and will include body intelligence practices from their latest book, Conscious Loving Ever After.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • Recognizing and shifting your personal upper-limit patterns—the ways in which you’ve unconsciously learned to stop your expansion into enjoying more love and positive attention every day
  • How to shift from fear reactivity to flow so you can call on your deep resources to participate fully and creatively in life and love
  • Developing your creativity “muscles” with specific practices requiring only 10 minutes a day
  • How to make the Wonder Shift in the midst of conflict, both within yourself and in relationship to others

Gay Hendricks, PhD and Katie Hendricks, PhD, have been pioneers in the fields of body intelligence and relationship transformation for over 40 years. They’ve mastered ways to translate powerful concepts and life skills into experiential processes where people can discover their own body intelligence and easily integrate life-changing skills. Gay and Katie have empowered hundreds of coaches around the world to add a body intelligence perspective to enhance fields from medicine to sports psychology, education, and personal growth. Together they have authored 12 books, including the bestselling Conscious Loving and the new Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond.


Terry Real

Friday, September 9, 10 am (MT)

Working with Trauma in Couples Therapy: Healing Inner Child Parts

This session introduces participants to a new form of couples therapy—one that does deep individual work in the presence of the partner. Most of us, when faced in couples therapy with one or both partners needing trauma work or work on their characters, refer these individuals to individual treatment. Relational Life Therapy (RLT) offers a combination of loving confrontation (joining through the truth), educational coaching on relational skills, and inner child work that, taken together, produces quick, profound, and lasting change.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How to quickly identify and articulate the couple’s “choreography”
  • How to wake up dormant parts of the partners we work with
  • How to transition smoothly from the present difficulty to family of origin and early childhood, identifying and using resonances (repeating patterns in attitude or behavior)
  • How to bring the present-based, mature, Functional Adult part of the person into relationship with the Adaptive Child and Wounded Child parts of the person
  • How to empower the individual to begin re-parenting his or her inner children, both nurturing and containing them

Terry Real is a nationally recognized family therapist, author, and teacher. He is particularly known for his groundbreaking work on men and male psychology, as well as his work on gender and couples; he has been in private practice for more than 25 years. Terry has appeared often as the relationship expert for Good Morning America and ABC News. His work has been featured in numerous academic articles as well as media venues such as Oprah, 20/20, the Today Show, CNN, the New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalPsychology Today, and many others.

Terry founded The Relational Life Institute, in Arlington, Massachusetts, dedicated to working with the general population to help women reclaim their voices and men open their hearts. The Institute offers a training program which begins with an introductory level practicum as well as workshops and trainings throughout the US and Canada.


Maggie Phillips, PhD

Friday, September 9, 5 pm (MT)

Polyvagal Solutions for Pain and Trauma: Where Self and Nervous Systems Meet

This session will combine polyvagal and attachment theories to explain the links between trauma and pain, as well as to help to locate reliable pathways for permanent relief. We will explore a three-step intervention model. Step one involves resourcing through the body to create corrective somatic and emotional experiences, as well as inner and external relational experiences that support balanced psychophysiology. Step two highlights re-regulation of autonomic nervous system responses to traumatic triggering that involve emotional and physical pain. Step three focuses on repairing and rewiring enduring self-integration and secure attachment with others, learning how ego states connect with each of the three polyvagal circuits and the basic survival responses, and how to form alliances with key states and provide developmental repair to stabilize wholeness and enhance resilience and aliveness.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How trauma and pain are linked through polyvagal and attachment theories
  • How persistent and chronic pain can be connected with incomplete fight, flight, and freeze responses
  • How self-fragmentation or splitting occurs through trauma
  • Three ways that ego states interface with our survival responses

Maggie Phillips, PhD, is a psychologist, acclaimed international teacher, and bestselling author who specializes in the treatment of traumatic stress, dissociation, and complex pain and health disorders. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and co-recipient of its Crasilneck Award for best first writing in the field of hypnosis. Maggie is also a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation and co-recipient of its Cornelia Wilbur award for contributions to the study and treatment of dissociation. She is a faculty member of the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and has presented invited workshops and keynote addresses at major conferences on hypnosis, energy psychology, trauma, ego-state therapy, and EMDR. Her books include Freedom from Pain (with Peter Levine), Reversing Chronic Pain, Healing the Divided Self (with Claire Frederick), and Finding the Energy to Heal. Maggie also serves as Vice-President of Ego-State Therapy International.


Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD

Saturday, September 10, 10 am (MT)

The Purpose of Worry and How to Manage It

Anxiety can crush joy from life. Most people seeking psychotherapy have some measure of anxiety that needs relief. But what is the purpose of worry, and how do we effectively manage it?

In this training session, we will explore:

  • Why we worry—how worry becomes a maladaptive effort to relieve anxiety and how to use worry effectively
  • Basic brain science concepts that can be shared with clients to strengthen their ability to utilize psychotherapy
  • Methods that work immediately and over the long term to relieve anxiety, including health anxiety—one of the most challenging types of worry to eliminate

Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and the author of six books on managing anxiety and depression including The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques and her soon-to-be-published Tough to Treat Anxiety: Hidden Problems and Effective Solutions for Your Clients. She is an international speaker, frequent contributor to Psychotherapy Networker magazine, and she blogs on depression for Psychology Today.


Linda Graham, MFT

Saturday, September 10, 5 pm (MT)

Catalyzing Neuroplasticity for Resilience and Well-Being

When clinicians learn how the brain works and how to strengthen its functioning, they can choose the therapeutic interventions that best help clients rewire dysfunctional patterns of coping, reverse the impacts of stress, trauma, and toxic shame, and move into resonant relationships and resilient flourishing. Catalyzing neuroplasticity becomes powerful, safe, efficient, and effective.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • Essentials of brain and behavior shift
  • Resonance of safety and trust to activate neuroplasticity
  • How mindfulness, positive emotions, and resonant relationships shift brain functioning
  • Reversing the impacts of stress, trauma, and toxic shame
  • Strengthening executive functioning and recovering resilience

Linda Graham, MFT, is an experienced psychotherapist and teacher of mindful self-compassion in the San Francisco Bay Area. She integrates modern neuroscience, mindfulness practices, and relational psychology in her international trainings and workshops. She is the author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being, and writes monthly e-newsletters on healing and awakening into aliveness and wholeness and weekly resources for recovering resilience (see


Ray Castellino, DC, RPE, RCST

Sunday, September 11, 10 am (MT)

Pre and Peri-Natal Perspectives and Somatic Psychology: Seven Principles for Healthy Families and Small Groups of People

Our attachment styles are profoundly affected by our prenatal, birth, and infant experiences. Opening to the realm of these early experiences and how babies show their stories brings insight to our own histories and how we receive our babies and parent.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • Seven principles and behaviors that provide the matrix for attuned relationships in families between parents, babies, children, and siblings
  • How the energetics of harmonic resonance and co-regulation in the family strengthens relationships
  • How finding and attuning to the primary rhythms of our babies and children invites a field of safe connection in families
  • How differentiating blueprint and imprint energies supports the advent of a healthy dynamic social field in families and small groups

Ray Castellino, DC, RPE, RCST, is a leader and innovator in the field of pre and peri-natal somatic psychology. He applies the principles that he’s discovered working with families to a format that he calls “Womb Surround Process Workshops” in which adults in small groups are able to gently and safely explore and integrate the energies from preverbal traumatic imprints. Ray is cofounder and co-director of Building and Enhancing Bonding and Attachment (BEBA), a non profit family research clinic; co-director of About Connections with homebirth midwife, Mary Jackson; and director of the Castellino Prenatal and Birth Training. With Anna Chitty, he developed Body Into Being, an energetic bodywork training that emphasizes somatic, hands-on skills especially applicable for families during pregnancy and for adults working on pre and peri-natal issues.


Ellyn Bader, PhD

Sunday, September 11, 5 pm (MT)

The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy: Stimulating Change in High Conflict and Conflict Avoidant Couples

Many couples come to therapy because they are developmentally stuck in patterns of escalating conflict or conflict avoidance. Some conflict avoidant partners appear warm and friendly yet they are deceptively difficult to change. They have long histories of giving themselves up to avoid tension and to preserve the relationship. Their fears of intensity, anger, and deep involvement often result in depression, despair, or entrenched passive-aggressive behavior. High-conflict couples rapidly escalate into fights and bitter interactions. They quickly trigger pain in one another. They become locked in self-protective stances that hide vulnerability and inhibit change. Disrupting both types of stalemate requires therapeutic sophistication, strong leadership, and ongoing repetitive support of differentiation.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How to recognize the entrenched patterns and stalemates in couples that prevent growth and development
  • Uncovering internal conflicts that prevent each partner from risking deeper involvement
  • How to structure sessions to increase partner’s capacities to manage tension and build more empathy for one another

Ellyn Bader, PhD, has specialized in helping couples transform their relationships. She is considered by many to be the preeminent expert in couples therapy training. Ellyn and her husband, Dr. Peter Pearson, are creators of the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy and directors of the Couples Institute in Menlo Park, California. Ellyn and Pete are pioneers in the field of couples therapy, being among the first to specialize in it. They literally ”wrote the book“ on the subject: their textbook, In Quest of the Mythical Mate, is used in graduate training programs across the country and is in its sixteenth printing.

Get Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit – Anonymous, Only Price $57


Steve Hayes, PhD

Monday, September 12, 10 am (MT)

The Power of Turning Toward: How to Change Your Clients’ Lives, and Your Own, with Psychological Flexibility

In the evidence-based forms of psychotherapy, such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), it is common to use models to understand psychopathology and its alleviation, but it is much less common to focus those same models on the professional activities of therapists and student trainees.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • Distilling the psychological flexibility model down to three primary steps you can take: learning how to watch the mind in flight, how to open up to experience, and how to turn toward meaning and purpose
  • How those three steps can make all the difference virtually everywhere that a human mind goes
  • How to apply these same steps to your own practice to lower burnout and stress, increase your sense of personal accomplishment, and vitalize your work and its role in your life

Steven C. Hayes, PhD, is one of the most-cited clinical research psychologists and psychotherapy developers in the world. His work on the nature of human language and higher cognition and its role in human suffering helped form the basis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a powerful mindfulness and values-based method that is useful across a spectacular range of human problem areas. An author of 41 books and nearly 600 scientific articles, his recent work is focused on how targeting psychological flexibility processes can lead to new vision for evidence-based psychotherapy.


Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT

Monday, September 12, 5 pm (MT)

Forensic-Type Techniques for Rapid Information Gathering in Couple Therapy

All patients come to therapy with ideas and agendas, many of which are counter to therapeutic goals. It is a psychobiological premise that non-conscious, implicit systems involved in fast-acting social-emotional interactions drive people to confabulate narratives in order to maintain psychological organization. Additionally, people are known to employ deceptive mechanisms as a defense against loss. The clinician must remain aware of these often ubiquitous obstacles to gaining clarity in the therapeutic situation. The theory and techniques offered in this session will help participants remain alert to these challenges and employ skills to offset misinformation and to quicken the gathering of accurate data.

This session will also demonstrate cross-dialogic and other strategic techniques for getting explicit and implicit information quickly in couple therapy. The presentation will endeavor to help the clinician utilize psychobiological strategies to help clarify partner attachment organization along with their true desires and unspoken agendas in couple therapy. These methods help drive couples toward the goal of secure functioning.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • The characteristics of a secure-functioning relationship
  • Interventions for moving couples toward secure functioning
  • The difference between secure attachment and secure-functioning relationships
  • The techniques of cross-tracking, cross-questioning, cross-commenting/interpreting, and going down the middle
  • Three forensic-type techniques for discovering deception

Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT, is a clinician, researcher, teacher, and developer of a Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy® (PACT). Dr. Tatkin teaches at UCLA, maintains a private practice in Southern California, and leads PACT programs in the US and internationally. His coined catchphrases “couple bubble” and “secure functioning” refer to the therapeutic stance and goals of PACT. He is the author Wired for DatingWired for LoveYour Brain on Love, and coauthor of Love and War in Intimate Relationships.


Richard Schwartz, PhD

Tuesday, September 13, 10 am (MT)

Treatment of Trauma and the Internal Family Systems Model

Developed over the past two decades, the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model offers both a conceptual umbrella under which a variety of practices and different approaches can be grounded and guided, and a set of original techniques for creating safety and fostering self-to-self connection in couples and families. This session will provide an introduction to the basics of the IFS model and its use with attachment and trauma. An overview of IFS and its clinical applications will be presented.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • Identifying the basic theory and principles of Internal Family Systems therapy
  • How to access a client’s Self—a core of compassion and other leadership qualities
  • Dealing with client “resistance” more effectively and with less effort
  • Repairing attachment injuries
  • The parallels between external and internal attachment styles
  • Applying IFS principles to transference and counter-transference

Richard Schwartz, PhD, began his career as a systemic family therapist and an academic at the University of Illinois and at Northwestern University. Grounded in systems thinking, Dr. Schwartz developed the Internal Family Systems model (IFS) in response to clients’ descriptions of various parts within themselves. In 2000, he founded the Center for Self Leadership (see, which offers three levels of trainings and workshops in IFS for professionals and the general public, both in this country and abroad. A featured speaker for national professional organizations, Dr. Schwartz has published five books and more than 50 articles about IFS.


Jack Kornfield, PhD

Tuesday, September 13, 5 pm (MT)

Loving Awareness: Discovering the Gifts of Buddhist Psychology for the West

The powerful tools of mindfulness and compassion, well supported by neuroscience research, are proving increasingly effective in therapy and education. This session invites you to discover the transformative principles of Buddhist psychology and how they can quiet the mind, open the heart, and enhance Western psychotherapy. Learn how Buddhist psychology offers profound understandings and practical approaches to transform suffering, support and illuminate healing, invite inner freedom and healthy relationship, and enhance the effectiveness of modern psychotherapy.

In this training session, we will explore:

  • How to apply the power of compassion, enhanced self-regard, and loving awareness in clinical settings
  • An expanded map of consciousness and mental health
  • Practical tools to transform difficult emotions and build foundations of wise and mindful living
  • Case studies demonstrating how to facilitate the of shift of identity toward health and well being
  • The value and tools of forgiveness, paradox, ritual, and intention

Jack Kornfield, PhD, trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India and has taught worldwide since 1974. He is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practices to the West. He holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and is the cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society and of Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California.

When You Buy Psychotherapy 2.0 You’ll Also Receive the Following Bonuses


Deepening Intimacy online video course

17 acclaimed relationship and couples experts teach us their most valuable, must-know essentials for resolving the obstacles to healthy intimacy and creating a deeply fulfilling life partnership (a $197 value)

Session 1: A Commitment to Zero Negativity

With Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen Hunt, PhD

Session 2: Creating a Truly Mutual Relationship

With Stan Tatkin, PsyD

Session 3: A New Science of Love

With Sue Johnson, PhD

Session 4: Intimacy As a Core Path

With Robert Augustus Masters, PhD

Session 5: Moving Beyond Blame and Other Essential Relationship Skills

With Julia B. Colwell, PhD

Session 6: Testosterone, Oxytocin, and the Modern Dance of Intimacy

With John Gray, PhD

Session 7: Be Willing to Change First

With Harriet Lerner, PhD

Session 8: Lasting Love Made Easy: Is That Possible?

With Gay Hendricks, PhD and Katie Hendricks, PhD

Session 9: Intimacy Is Not the Same as Closeness

With Bruce Tift, LMFT

Session 10: Love, Intimacy, and the Brain

With Rick Hanson, PhD

Session 11: The “Sad Joy” of Relationships

With John Welwood, PhD

Session 12: Enduring Discomfort for Growth

With David Schnarch, PhD

Session 13: How to Be an Adult in Relationships

With David Richo, PhD

Session 14: The Liberating Power of Approaching Conflict and Telling the Truth

With Ellyn Bader, PhD and Peter Pearson, PhD

Session 15: Relationship As Path

With Tami Simon


Additional Presenter Gifts

Each of the presenters in Psychotherapy 2.0 will be giving you additional worksheets, reports, assessments, and training tools. Here is a partial list of all the bonuses you will be able to download:

  1. “Developmental Trauma Disorder” article
    by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
  2. “Healing Attachment Trauma with Attachment” report
    by Diana Fosha, PhD
  3. “Intergenerational Trauma Life Script Review” self-survey
    by Diane Poole Heller, PhD
  4. “Conscious Loving Ever After” videos
    by Gay Hendricks, PhD and Katie Hendricks, PhD
  5. “Joining Through the Truth” article
    by Terry Real
  6. “Somatic Ego-State Therapy” video
    by Maggie Phillips, PhD
  7. “The Purpose of Worry” article
    by Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD
  8. “Skills of Relational Intelligence” report
    by Linda Graham, MFT
  9. “Healthy Families, Healthy Babies” report
    by Ray Castellino, DC, RPE, RCST
  10. “The Conflict Avoidant Couple” training
    by Ellyn Bader, PhD
  11. “MICPSY Interview with Steven Hayes” video
    by MICPSY
  12. “Brain Development” video
    by Stan Tatkin, PsyD
  13. “The Larger Self” article
    by Richard Schwartz, PhD
  14. “Psychotherapy and Meditation” article
    by Jack Kornfield, PhD

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