Quantum Growth – Sabri Suby

Original price was: $9,800.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Quantum Growth – Sabri Suby

Original price was: $9,800.00.Current price is: $99.00.

After having gone through Sabri’s Quantum Growth a couple of times now, I thought it would be only fair to my readers to go through the whole thing, dive in it and give a very honest opinion


Purchase Quantum Growth – Sabri Suby at BoxSkill, You can get access to all files. Direct Download Link and No costs are incurred (No Ads, No Waiting Time, No Capcha).

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Develop your knowledge with the Quantum Growth – Sabri Suby course. Purchuse at here with price $9800 $99. You will get the full course with the same content as Salepage.

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For those who follow this blog, Sabri Suby is as popular as Russell Brunson or Grant Cardone.

We’ve followed his rise to fame closely.

We’ve reviewed his latest book: Sell Like Crazy.

How I make $52K per month

His company, King Kong, has been able to make more than $1.3 Billion for its clients.

There’s nothing this young Australian can’t do, it seems.

And now he’s selling his secret sauce in a course: Quantum Growth.

For those of you living under a rock, here’s a quick summary of Sabri’s career:

Sabri started his first business in his bedroom, getting clients through cold calls.
He found a gap in the market achieving cool ROIs through advertising.
Since then he has founded King Kong, an agency with tens and tens of employees.
He has helped his clients make a total of $1.3 billion in profits.
He has been featured in Forbes, Inc, the Huff Post and many other media outlets.

All this after working in restaurants for a living and after dropping out of uni.

There is hope for all after all!

After having gone through Sabri’s Quantum Growth a couple of times now, I thought it would be only fair to my readers to go through the whole thing, dive in it and give a very honest opinion.

As you will see, I don’t have an affiliate link to Sabri’s high ticket course.

If you end up buying it, I will not be making a dime, but since the course is actually really well made, I thought I’d try and give you some of its highlights

So in the following review, I’m going to discuss the most interesting aspects of the course.

I’ll also be answering the questions that you really want to know the answer to.

No messing around.

Are these courses better than other advertising boosting courses out there? 
Does the course deliver what it promises?
Is Sabri Suby a scam?
Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

Before starting this review, for those who haven’t heard of me before, check this out:

A lil bit about me… My name is Ippei…

Until 2014, like many of you reading this blog, I was stuck working in a job from 9 to 5.

Not only was it killing me, but it didn’t give me any time to pursue my bigger goals.

That was until I discovered a method to rank sites organically, generating free leads for my clients.

That website you see above, for the tree care company, I created that site in 2015, and since then I haven’t had to touch or update it:

It has gained me a passive income of $2000 a month.

That’s more than $140,000 for one site, in 6 years.

That’s the magic of the Lead Generation business, it’s by far the best model in 2021 to generate passive income. If you want to know more, just hop over here!

But enough about me: time for an in-depth review of Sabri’s Quantum Growth course!

This course is a powerhouse:

Within its modules you will be able to learn everything.

All you need is a business that needs boosting.

The course will take care of the rest:

Finding your ideal client.
Developing a High Value Content offer.
Building a Funnel and VSL.
Creating the perfect ad campaign to make it happen.
Let your biz explode to ridiculous numbers.

In it you will also find loads of extras and bonus docs:

Course Bonuses

The Dream Buyer Avatar Worksheet.
Sabri’s personal HVCO formulas
Sabri’s secret list of mental models.
The Dream Farming Worksheet.
Plug and Play funnels to use with Infusionsoft.
Quantum Growth
Module 1

The first module of the course covers a lot of ground you can find in Sell Like Crazy.

You have:

The Halo Strategy, or how to find your dream customer before even looking.
The High Value Content Offer explained, the freebie you give for the email.
The Godfather offer explained, or how to make an offer that can’t be refused.

What really piqued my curiosity though was the section called ‘Valley of the Kings’.

I guess it’s the equivalent of the typical mindset module.

However nothing is ever typical in Sabri’s books and courses.

Even an introductory module is free of fluff and nonsense.

According to Sabri, you should be starting your business with the end goal in mind:

What’s the end destination you’re trying to arrive at other than money?
What would the perfect day look like for you?
You need to learn how to reverse engineer your life, day by day.
How do you want to be living the rest of your life?

Write everything down and have something to aim for day after day.

Having a clear direction of where you’re heading is paramount if you want to win in life.

And this counts for life in general and work.

In this, Sabri quotes Lawrence Pearsall Jacks:

When the why is defined and it’s big, the how becomes easy.

If something is important, you’ll make the time.

Things become possible because you architect them in your mind.

You choose to design the lifestyle that you map for yourself.

Answer these three questions, and you’re ready to take on the world:

Where are you trying to go?
What are you trying to achieve?

If you’re not clear on your why, when things get tough, you’re going to quit.

Module 2

Module 2 contains a lesson called the Eudaimonic Paradigm.

This might sound pretty woo woo for a lot of you.

But let me break it down, as I think Sabri makes valid points in it.

Sabri is actually trying to go into your mental models and tweaking them for the better.

There are specific aspects of your life you need to tackle:

What will bring you happiness?
You should be striving for maximum pleasure and minimum pain: hedonism.
Realise that the pleasures in life only last for a short time.
Face the Eudaimonic Paradigm.

Sound like mumbo jumbo?

This is where I come in to simplify.

What Sabri is saying is that there are basically two ways to face life:

Hedonic wellbeing: outcome based lambo and bikini girl lifestyle.
Eudaemonic wellbeing: realising one’s inner potential, more spiritual lifestyle.

Of course, the Eudaemonic paradigm is to be preferred.

You will need to actualize your potential.

Functioning optimally and self developing.

What you need to do is avoid the hedonic treadmill of death.

You basically gain basic pleasures, but after adapting, you’re back to square one.

Pleasure is not what you need to go after.

You need to go after happiness and fulfillment.

It is society and external impulses that put us on the hedonic treadmill.

You are always looking for that new dopamine hit.

Immediate sales rather than improving the system that makes the sales.

Once you change the system, once you upgrade your life, all changes.

You’re not keeping up with the Joneses and are just doing it for yourself.

Module 3

The third week/module is about customer acquisition in its different forms.

This is where Sabri really shines and things start to get interesting.

There seriously isn’t anyone better than Sabri I know in client acquisition.

He started with cold calls from his bedroom and took it from there.

That’s why I want to focus on a section of module 3:

Hunting Wild Boars.

It covers how to get your first clients with little or no budget at the very beginning.

According to Sabri, you should only use these methods if you have very little money.

Paid acquisition is the most scalable and time-efficient.

Once you get two or three clients, you should start running ads to get more clients.

Sabri uses various methods but his favourite is:

Cold email outreach, via building a list of qualified profiles

In the submodule video, Sabri goes at length and provides templates.

You can then automate and time the time you will send the mails.

Another strategy is what Sabri calls Panning for Gold.

The best free place to do this is in FB Groups, whatever the niche is you are looking for.

These groups are full of people looking for help in the niche you specialize in.

It is time consuming, but that’s where the panning for gold comes in.

You want to be sifting through potential candidates.

Once you’ve panned and found the candidates, you just have to move in for the kill.

Once you have your first few clients, though, you should definitely switch to FB Ads.

Module 4

After client acquisition, of course, come sales.

If you ain’t converting, you ain’t earning.

This is the chunkiest module of the whole course.

You’re absolutely covered by someone who’s done more than a million cold calls.

But the reality of it is that generating leads is easy, getting clients and selling is hard.

The most valuable asset of your business, but the one where most people fail.

One of the major steps in selling is meta-verbal communication:

ie. not what you say but how you say it.

There are some core methods of communication that Sabri focuses on:

The volume of the communication, assertive without shouting.
The vibe of the communicator: eager, cautious, somewhere in between.
The speed of communication, using it to control the conversation.
The effective use of silence, waiting for the other person to finish his thought.
Be in control of your pitch, deeper voices command more authority.
Eliminating the filler words like ‘ah’, ‘uhm’, ‘yeah’, being sure of what you say.

In order to be a pro at being a seller, though, you want to start laying the groundwork.

For this:

You want to be in a quiet environment.
Close down your computer and just focus on the call.
Get your blood flowing before the call.
Forget about anything negative from the previous call.

Then you should also organize your day in the best framework possible:

Wake up early before the world does.
Do some kind of exercise.
Have a light breakfast.
Structure your day in 1 hour blocks.
Get yourself in peak state before every sales call.
Module 5

Module 5 really gets into the nitty gritty of the course.

You’re taught how to create your funnel, your lead magnet, and your VSL.

You basically have Sabri’s templates.

There’s not much that can go wrong.

And then, Sabri hits you with real gold, in the section called the Magic Lantern Technique.

This is a method to convert cold traffic into high end clients.

So, of course, it’s the most important aspect of them all.

You have people’s email and you can easily send them material that educates and nurtures.

Create a video sequence of 2 or 3 videos.

Send them to prospects who have not bought, providing only value.

No salesy messages, just goodwill and problem-solving.

Position yourself as a likeable go to person.

Remember to have a call to action.

That’s all you need to do.

The fact that you’ve provided value and goodwill will put you miles before anyone else.

Give them all the tools for free, because they will need you anyway.


Because they’ll have the know how.

But they won’t have 4 hours a day to implement it.

And they will need an expert to help them speed up the process.

And guess which expert they’ll be trusting after all that goodwill?


Pretty crazy but apparently very effective.

Module 6

The final module tackles the topic of paid traffic.

Especially the two giants of paid ads, Google and Facebook.

We’re not going to go in detail of what Sabri does in ad.

Instead, my biggest takeaway was the introductory video:

Behavioural Economics.

What exactly are we talking about?

B.E. is the part of economics that studies how the brain reacts when faced with a stimulus.

Stimuli can be an object the person wants, a desired outcome, etc.

Based on the feelgood nature of these stimuli, people decide to buy.

Pretty nifty skill to know what stimuli to use, right?

Knowing your stuff in behavioural economics allows you to:

Win the war for attention.
Use drama in ads for such attention.
Create pattern interrupts.
Sell mental models.

Not too shabby!

What are mental models though?

Basically, according to Sabri, anything that trumps the ad fads of the day.

This is his mental model:

Pattern interrupt.
Unique hook.
Burning intrigue.
Big specific benefit.

Mix all these together and you’ll have a killer ad.

No matter what platform you advertise on.

The Verdict: The Good & The Bad

I’ll be honest, as usual.

Let’s answer the basic questions we had asked about this review:

Are these courses better than other advertising boosting courses out there? 
Does the course deliver what it promises?
Is Sabri Suby a scam?
Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

I’ve reviewed so many of these courses.

Lots of gurus make courses like these when they don’t know how else to make cash.

Sabri is different.

He is actually crushing it.

And so are his clients.

I mean, if you have a business and want to give it a boost, this is good stuff.

It over delivers what it promises, with swipefiles and templates used by Sabri himself.

Sabri and his company King Kong are definitely not a scam.

The guy has worked his butt off to be in the position he is today.

I respect him for that.

So, how much does it all cost?

For 70+ hours of content, pdf files, swipes, it all comes to $9800.

Not cheap at all.

Buy the Quantum Growth – Sabri Suby course at the best price at Boxkill. After your purchase, you will get access to the downloads page. You can download all the files associated in your order at here and we will also send a download notification email via your mail.

Unlock your full potential with Quantum Growth – Sabri Suby courses. our courses are designed to help you excel.

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