FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $163.00.

FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $163.00.

Let me know if you’ve had any of these problems with Facebook Ads:

  • You put money into the Facebook Machine and get nothing back
  • You get leads from Facebook Ads… BUT none of them convert into customers
  • Your ad campaigns start off great… and then you hit the proverbial “Facebook Brick Wall”


Purchase FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer at BoxSkill, You can get access to all files. Direct Download Link and No costs are incurred (No Ads, No Waiting Time, No Capcha).

Not to interrupt your learning, you should download the course after getting the link.

How To Get Your Facebook Ads Machine Running On All Cylinders In 2020 (And Beyond)

Let me know if you’ve had any of these problems with Facebook Ads:

  • You put money into the Facebook Machine and get nothing back
  • You get leads from Facebook Ads… BUT none of them convert into customers
  • Your ad campaigns start off great… and then you hit the proverbial “Facebook Brick Wall”

If you’ve experienced these frustrations, you’re far from alone.

We surveyed 667 Facebook advertisers, and it turns out…

The things we love about Facebook Ads… are also the things we hate.

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This love-hate relationship along with a changing landscape are the main reasons I’ve received so many requests for help with Facebook Ads over the past few years.

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The truth is, despite over 30 million dollars of pay-per-click management experience and recognized industry expert status…

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I have had my own struggles with Facebook Ads.

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(I’m not sure if these results were harder on my wallet or my ego.)

That said, these disappointing outcomes are probably what I deserve for throwing advertising money at an uninspiring offer.

Going From ROI Negative To Positive

For the past 2 years, I dedicated myself to finding a better, simpler way to get results with Facebook Ads.

I analyzed over 10,000 ads published by Facebook’s top advertisers to find valuable trends in their ad creative.

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I mapped out every step and detail I needed to follow to make sure I hit my advertising targets.

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And, I devised a method to simplify my audience targeting.

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Then I put everything I had learned together and relaunched my Facebook Ads campaigns.

​Impressive Results Can Come Quickly

The outcome?

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Getting these improved results felt fantastic.

BUT here’s what’s even more significant…

I discovered three vital (and somewhat surprising) success factors that can CHANGE your Facebook Ads fortunes.

Get FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer, Only Price $167

Success Factor #1

It’s All About The DATA (Just NOT Facebook’s)

Facebook would rather NOT talk about data these days…

And many marketing “experts” treat data like a four-letter word that’s too powerful for you to process.

Yet, here’s the thing… focusing on the data actually makes running Facebook Ads easier.

When you let data guide your decision making, you remove emotion, intuition, and guesswork from your process.

However… the key is to make YOUR data the focus instead of Facebook’s.

Facebook provides us with so many advertising metrics that it’s enticing to sit back and let them do the work.

But letting Facebook’s data (alone) guide your advertising strategy is a recipe for disaster.

Instead, you need to: 

Set your advertising targets using your own business numbers

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Deploy basic tracking tactics using third-party systems to hold Facebook’s data accountable

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And use your data to train Facebook’s platform to bring you better results.

When you bring in data from outside the Facebook ecosystem to plan your advertising strategy and back-up your results…

You give yourself a strategic advantage.

You also avoid overspending to get results that won’t help you achieve your goals.

And when you nourish the Facebook Ads machine with the data it needs… You give yourself an opportunity to maximize every advertising dollar you spend. 

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Success Factor #2

​Targeting Isn't Everything

There’s a big myth surrounding targeting on Facebook Ads. And that myth is you need to target the perfect audience to be successful.

While targeting the right audience is important… matching the messaging of your ad content to the audience you want Facebook to deliver is far more vital to your success.

Think about it this way:

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What this means is you don’t have to obsess over building hyper-precise targeting.

Instead, think about your audiences in terms of their “state of awareness.” Then, use your ad campaigns to target and engage your audiences based on their awareness levels. And track how your audiences' awareness increases as result of your advertising.

The combination of broad targeting and precise tracking will help you get the best results.

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Success Factor #3

Focus On The Customer Journey (Not The Funnel)

It seems like every Facebook marketer on the planet is pushing their “Double-Comma Award Winning” funnel as the ultimate solution to your problems.

Now, I’ll admit, I’ve bought into the funnel fallacy in the past.

Yet, here’s the problem. The one-funnel-for-all strategy assumes everyone in your audience will follow a similar path to purchase. It’s a buy-or-die mentality.

And when you use this approach, most of your leads lose interest quickly, which means your conversions become more expensive.

So what’s the alternative to a single-path funnel philosophy?

Focus on matching your marketing tactics to the content in your ads, and help people have a positive experience with your brand.

Giving your audience a positive interaction with your brand allows you to keep the line of communication open (at a low cost) as that audience continues to engage with your ads and content.

Here's just one example of how my campaigns thrived when I focused on matching my advertising to my audiences' journey.

Given the hype around Facebook Ads funnels, you might be skeptical that this approach works.

So let me share a key finding from my research that blew my mind: Of the 10,103 Facebook Ads I studied…

5,739 of them sent Facebook traffic to unique landing pages. 

What does that stat mean?

The top advertisers are using targeted messaging to engage audiences… NOT simply trying to convert all their traffic with a single funnel.

This finding is great news because it means you can stop wasting time and money building unwieldy, broken funnels.

Instead, you can keep your marketing mechanisms lean and flexible while using Facebook Ads as a touchpoint to give your audience an experience they actually WANT!

Tilt The Facebook Ads Playing Field In Your Favor

Now, if in the past you’ve found yourself:

  • Overwhelmed by the Facebook Ads platform…
  • Confused by Facebook’s results… 
  • Troubled by audience targeting…
  • Or let down by low-quality leads that produce zero ROI…

Don’t worry. When you follow a proven process, you can get results from Facebook Ads almost immediately. (Literally within 24 to 48 hours.)

And when you know the steps you need to follow, you will improve your results over the long run.

​The Answer To Your Facebook Ads Distress Call

Using only the insights and the resources I’ve shared with our community so far, people are already starting to see a better way to approach Facebook Ads:

Yet, there’s so much more I haven’t revealed to this point.

​The Way I See It, You Have Four Options…

Armed with the knowledge you’ve gained today, you have some choices when it comes to advertising on Facebook in 2020 and beyond.

  • You can take what you’ve learned today, and try to fill in the gaps… spending weeks and months of your advertising budget in hopes of putting all the pieces together.
  • You can hire an expensive agency (that hasn’t done the research or compiled the resources for you that I have) to manage your Facebook Ads account
  • You can ignore the information I’ve shared… and continue to pull the lever on the Facebook Ads slot machine, hoping eventually Facebook will deliver you results before your budget runs out.

OR you can:

  • Become an early adopter of a research-based methodology,
  • Follow a step-by-step system,
  • And get access to a library of resources…

That will combine to give you the edge on Facebook Ads headed into 2020 and beyond.

Get FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer, Only Price $167

Introducing The ONLY Online Training Program That Gives You Command Of The Data Driven System For Getting Impressive Results From Facebook Ads

Hi, I’m Jeff Sauer. I’ve been recognized by PPC Hero as one of the TOP 25 PPC experts multiple times over the past decade.

I am also a professional data analyst and a partner in a 5x Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Business award-winning Marketing Agency in St. Paul, MN.

But more importantly… these days, I am a full-time educator. In 2014 I started traveling the world and presenting at marketing conferences like Superweek, DMSS, and InOrbit.

Since then, I’ve launched several successful online training programs while helping over 15,000 students master PPC Marketing, Data Analytics, and marketing growth principals.

What you’re about to discover today, is a BRAND NEW program I am unveiling for the first time.

And, The BEST Part Is… This Program Was Designed For YOU

Not only did I personally test and perfect the Data Driven Facebook advertising process I’m sharing with you…

But I also studied over 553 of the top Facebook Advertisers.

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And I surveyed 667 Facebook advertisers to find out about the challenges they face, as well as what they want to gain from a Facebook Ads training program

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A Unique Opportunity To Master Data Driven Facebook Advertising

The Data Driven FB Ads Mastery program will take you from square one – never having managed a Facebook Ads account before – to advertising with expertise and confidence using the same techniques as the most effective advertising professionals.

This program will also help existing advertisers transform underperforming Facebook Ads campaigns into ROI positive investments.

Here’s exactly what you’re going to experience inside FB Ads Mastery:


FB Ads Bootcamp

This module will Jumpstart your knowledge of our Data Driven methodology, so you’re ready to approach Facebook Ads with strategic command.

In this module, I’ll show you how to:

  • Set your budget and profit-maximizing targets using the Data Driven FB Ads calculators
  • Power up your ad tests to get next-level results
  • Use the Data Driven FB Ads Mastery Playbook
  • Structure your account the right way to maximize conversions


​Navigating Facebook Ads

In Module 2, You’ll discover how to streamline and structure your Facebook Ads account. You’ll learn how to:

  • Dial-in your account settings from day-1
  • Understand audience targeting
  • Maintain control of your ad spend


How Facebook Ads Works

Module 3 is all about managing your Facebook Ads account with skill and confidence. In this module, you’ll:

  • Follow the Data Driven account structure to simplify managing Facebook Ads
  • Get started with tracking and measuring your results by feeding the right data into Facebook
  • Identify the right ad placements and schedules to maximize your ad spend
  • Learn how to win the Facebook Ads Auction


Mastering Audience Targeting

It’s time to Master the Data Driven audience targeting system. In Module four, you’ll discover how to:

  • Harness the force of the Data Driven audience targeting system
  • Create the “Six Audiences” every Facebook advertiser needs to succeed
  • Go deep on demographics, location, and interests
  • Discover audience research tactics and resources that give you a competitive advantage
  • Develop custom audiences, lookalikes, and customer lists
  • Use the Data Driven process to simplify tracking your results by audience segment


Getting Your Data Right

Budgeting, tracking, and bid optimization. In Module 5, you’ll discover how to improve your Facebook Ads ROI. Here’s are some of the key skills you’ll gain:

  • Use your data to train Facebook Ads so you can speed up your path to positive returns
  • Track and maximize the value of your audience engagements
  • Increase your reporting accuracy while holding Facebook accountable
  • Automate and simplify your advertising reports so the information you need is always in plain sight


Earning A Positive ROI From Facebook Ads

In Module 6, you’ll discover the secrets to using data to maximize your Facebook Ads results. Here are just a few of the skills you acquire in this section of the course, where you’ll learn how to:

  • Measure your ROI accurately and find your profit maximization sweet spot
  • Decrease your ad costs by increasing your ad quality
  • Select bidding and campaign strategies that maximize your budget
  • Learn ad testing tactics that will dial-in your ad creative
  • Go beyond the newsfeed to expand your reach
  • Gain an edge with competitive research
  • Master the daily, weekly and monthly account tweaks that lead to compounding incremental gains


Cementing Your Data Driven Advertiser Status

In Module 7, It’s time to complete Data Driven Facebook Ads Mastery and claim your certificate of completion. Here’s some of what you’ll find in this section, where we cover how to:

  • Score your Facebook Ads knowledge with our end of course quiz
  • Complete and claim your Data Driven FB Ads Mastery certificate
  • Breakdown the Facebook Blueprint

Get FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer, Only Price $167

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Unlock your full potential with FB Ads Complete Data Master Package – Jeff Sauer courses. our courses are designed to help you excel.

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